pensions for the current quarter as provided by this section, and the Comp-
troller shall, on or before the first day of the months of January, March,
June and October, issue his warrant on the Treasurer of the State in favor
of the Treasurer of the State Board of Education for the amount so certi-
fied. On receipt of the warrant of the Comptroller, the Treasurer of the
State of Maryland shall immediately pay the amount due on said dates
to the Treasurer of the State Board of Education.
Teachers' Retirement System.
1920, ch. 509, sec. 1.
93. The following words and phrases as used in this sub-title shall have
the following meanings:
(1) "Teacher" shall mean'any teacher, principal, supervisor or super-
intendent employed in a public day school within the State, or in any
State educational institution supported and controlled by the State.
(2) "Public school" shall mean any day school conducted within the
State under the authority and supervision of a duly appointed County
Board of Education, and any educational institution supported by and
under the control of the State, such as the School for the Blind, the School
for Feeble-Minded, and the School for the Deaf.
(3) "Year" as used in this sub-title referring to the term for school
service of a teacher .shall mean the same as " school year " as defined in
the General Laws of the State at the time when the school service in ques-
tion was rendered, provided, however, that the retirement board may in
special cases determine what school service shall constitute the equivalent
of a specified period of service under this sub-title.
(4) " Interest," unless herein otherwise provided, shall mean compound
interest at such rate as shall be determined by the retirement boards.
(5) Wherever the word " he " appears it shall be taken to apply to
females as well as males.
1920, ch. 509, sec. 2.
94. The Maryland teachers' retirement system, hereinafter called the
retirement system, is hereby established, to become effective on August
first, nineteen hundred and twenty.
1920, ch. 509, sec. 3.
95. An association to be known as the Maryland teachers' retirement
association, hereinafter called the retirement association, may be organ-
ized by and among the teachers in the public schools of the State. Mem-
bership in said association may be acquired under the following conditions :
All teachers who shall serve in the public schools on or after August
first, nineteen hundred and twenty, may become members of the associa-
tion, upon application to and approval by a majority of the retirement
board and under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe.