28. Arrest of offenders.
29. What firearms may be allowed on ves-
sels. Penalty for violation.
30. Sheriffs and constables to arrest any
person violating these provisions and
seize boat.
31. When vessel shall be forfeited. Sale
of vessel. Application of proceeds
of sale; proviso. Right of appeal.
Persons having lien may file peti-
32. Sale of boats of non-residents ; proviso.
Oyster Fund.
33. What moneys are to be placed to credit
of such fund.
Painted Numbers for Dredging Vessels.
34. License numbers. Application of this
section. Fees.
Dredging in Exempted Waters.
35. Sailing in exempted waters unlawful.
Officers to arrest offenders.
State Fishery Force.
36. Ammunition for guard boats to carry
out this provision.
37. Waters to be divided into seven dis-
tricts. Counties included in each
district, Guards for each district.
38. Board of public works to appoint com-
mander and deputies of fishery force.
Term of office. Penalty for failure
to discharge duty. Who not eligible
for said offices.
39. Removals for neglect of duty.
40. Powers of board of public works in
matter of reducing expenses of state
fishery force.
41. Vessels to be constantly on duty.
42. Duty of deputy commanders.
43. Oath and bond of officers of state fish-
ery force.
44. Salaries of various officers of state fish-
ery force.
45. One ration per day for officers and
crews. Appropriation; proviso.
46. Duties of officers of oyster police
47. State fishery force to enforce all laws
relating to fish.
48. Commander to have control of force,
to keep accounts and make report
to board of public works. Clerk to
said commander — his salary.
Locating Oyster Lots.
49. Private oyster planting. Notice to
owner. Marking off beds. These
provisions not to apply to non-resi-
50. Unlawful to locate or appropriate any
natural bed or bar; penalty.
51. Exclusive right to creeks 100 yards or
less in width.
52. Taking bedded oysters, unlawful. Pen-
alty for violating sec. 51 and 52.
53. Right of appeal.
Craighill Channel.
54. Dredging near Craighill channel un-
lawful; penalty.
55. Time when oysters may not be taken
56. Penalty for violation.
Patuxent — Potomac — Choptank.
57. Time when oysters may not be taken
in tributaries of Patuxent, Potomac
and Choptank rivers, bordering on
certain counties; proviso.
58-60. What privileges granted in license
to citizens of St. Mary's, Charles
and Calvert counties.
61. Penalties for violating secs. 57 to 60.
62. Only citizens of Maryland or Virginia
shall take oysters or fish in waters
of Potomac; penalty.
63. Culling. Unlawful to buy, sell, etc.,
small oysters. Examination of car-
go. Penalty. Burden of proof; pro-
64. When unlawful for citizens of Mary-
land or Virginia to take oysters in
Potomac; penalty.
65. When lawful for said citizens to take
oysters in said waters. Prosecution
for violation.