2214 ARTICLE 66A.
to another for exhibition it shall be sufficient ground for the revocation of
the certificate or license for said film issued by the Board.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 16.
16. This Article shall be enforced by the Board. In carrying out and
enforcing the purpose of this Article, it may adopt such reasonable rules
as it may deem necessary. Such rules shall not be inconsistent with the
laws of Maryland.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 17.
17. Every person intending to sell, lease, exhibit or use any film or
view in the State of Maryland, shall furnish the Board, when the applica-
tion for approval is made, a description of the film or view to be exhibited,
sold or leased, and the purposes thereof; and shall submit the film or view
to the Board for examination; and shall furnish a written statement or
affidavit that the duplicate film or view is an exact copy of the original
film or view as submitted for examination to the Board, and that all elimi-
nations, changes or rejections made or required by the Board in the origi-
nal film or view have been or will be made in the duplicate. Any person
who shall make any false statement in any such written statement or affi-
davit to the Board shall, upon conviction thereof summarily before a Jus-
tice of the Peace, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun-
ished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred
dollars, and any certificate or license issued upon a false or misleading
affidavit or application shall be void ab initio; and any change or altera-
tion in a film after license, except the elimination of a part or except upon
written direction of the Board, shall be a violation of this Article and
shall also make immediately void the license therefor.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 18.
18. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or interfere in any
manner with any member or employe of the Board while performing any
duties in carrying out the intent or provisions of this Article.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 19.
19. If any elimination or disapproval of a film or view is ordered by
the Board, the person submitting such film or view for examination will
receive immediate notice of such elimination or disapproval, and if ap-
pealed from, such film or view will be promptly re-examined, in the pres-
ence of such person, by two or more members of the Board, and the same
finally approved or disapproved promptly after such re-examination, with
the right of appeal from the decision of the Board to the Baltimore City
Court of Baltimore City.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 20.
20. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Article for
which a specific penalty is not provided and is convicted thereof sum-
marily before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, shall be sentenced