2212 ARTICLE 66A.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 4.
4. A vacancy in the membership of the Board shall be filled for the
unexpired term by the Governor. A vacancy shall not impair the right
and duty of the remaining members to perform all the functions of the
1922, ch. 390, sec. 5.
5. The Board shall procure and use an official seal, which shall con-
tain the words " Maryland State Board of Censors," together with such
design engraved thereon as the Board may prescribe.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 6.
6. The Board shall examine or supervise the examination of all films
or views to be exhibited or used in the State of Maryland and shall approve
and license such films or views which are moral and proper, and shall dis-
approve such as are sacrilegious, obscene, indecent, inhuman or immoral,
or such as tend, in the judgment of the Board, to debase or corrupt morals
or incite to crimes.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 7.
7. Upon each film or view which has been approved by the Board there
shall be furnished and stamped by the Board the following certificate or
statement: " Approved by the Maryland State Board of Censors," and
the Board shall also furnish a certificate or license in writing to the same
effect, which certificate shall be the license for such film or view, unless
and until the same shall be revoked by said Board, and said certificate or
license shall be exhibited by the holder thereof to any member of the Board
or employee thereof upon demand. In the case of motion pictures, such
statement shall be shown on the screen to the extent of approximately four
feet of film. In the case of slides or views, each act shall have at least two
slides or views shown with a similar statement. Any certificate or license
issued as herein provided may be revoked by the Board for any reason
which would have justified the Board in refusing to issue such license, or
for any violation of law by such applicant in securing such license or in
advertising or using the film, or view so licensed. Thereafter any such
film may again be submitted to the Board for approval and license.
1922, ch. 390, sec. 8.
8. The Board shall keep a record of all examinations made by it of
films or views; noting on the record all films or views which have been
approved, and those which have not been approved, with the reason for such
1922, ch. 390, sec. 9.
9. The Board shall report, in writing, annually, to the Governor, on
or after the first day of November of each year. The report shall show:
1. A record of its meetings, and a summary of its proceedings during
the year immediately preceding the date of the report.