2210 ARTICLE 66.
An. Code, see. 35. 1910, ch. 216, sec. 34 (p. 204).
35. If such lien be duly released of record after the date of the ma-
turity of the notes, other instruments, or debt therein mentioned, such
notes, other instruments or debts shall be conclusively presumed to have
been paid so far as any lien upon the property or estate mentioned in the
said deed or instrument is concerned.1
See sec. 25 and notes.
An. Code, sec. 36. 1910, ch. 216, sec. 35 (p. 204).
36. An assignment or a release of the lien retained by the vendor, as
hereinbefore provided, may be made by the vendor, his assignee or per-
sonal representative, or the personal representatives of his assignee, as
now provided by sections 35 to 42, both inclusive, of article 21 of the
annotated code of public civil laws of Maryland for the short assign-
ment or release of a mortgage; and the clerk at the time of recording every
deed or instrument retaining a lien as aforesaid, shall leave a blank space
at the foot thereof for the purpose of entering such assignments and release.
See art. 21, secs. 30 and 31.
An. Code, sec. 37. 1910, ch. 216, sec. 36 (p. 204).
37. The acceptance by the vendor of any guarantee or endorsement,
or collateral, or other security to insure the full payment of any lien ex-
pressly retained as heretofore provided, shall not in any case be construed
as a waiver of such lien; but the vendee, his heirs, personal representatives
or assigns, shall be credited with the proceeds from the sale of any such
collateral or other securities.
An. Code, sec. 38. 1910, ch. 216, sec. 37 (p. 205).
38. The clerks of the courts of this State, whose duty it is to record
conveyances, shall index all deeds retaining a lien as provided in sections
31 to 37, inclusive, of this article, both as deeds as heretofore practiced,
and as vendors' liens, in the same manner as mortgages are indexed.
1 The word " paid " is omitted from the fourth line of this section as published in the
official copy of acts of 1910; ch. 216, sec. 34 (p. 204). An examination of original act as
passed, however, shows the section as above codified.