valuable consideration whatever, not specified in the policy. Nor shall
any company, or its representatives, procure for any person applying for
insurance, or for any person acting in collusion with him in seeking to
avoid the penalty prescribed for violation of this section, a state license
for the purpose of allowing such person a rebate. Provided that nothing
in this section shall be so construed as to forbid a company transacting in-
dustrial insurance on the weekly payment plan, with weekly collection of
premiums at the houses of the insured, from returning to policyholders
who have made premium payments directly to the company at its home
office or district offices, the savings which the company effects through such
direct payments; and provided further that nothing in this section shall
be so construed as to forbid a company issuing non-participating life in-
surance from paying bonuses to policyholders out of surplus accumulated
from such non-participating insurance.
1922, ch. 492, sec. 45. 1924, ch. 234.
45. Rebating and Discriminations Prohibited (Fire and Miscella-
neous). No corporation, association, partnership, Lloyd's, individual under-
writers, or reciprocal associations, authorized or permitted to do any insur-
ance business within this State or any officer, agent, solicitor, or repre-
sentative thereof, and no insurance broker, individual, co-partnership or
corporation authorized or permitted to do business as such in this State or
any officer, agent, solicitor or representative thereof, shall make or negotiate
any contract for insurance on property or risk located within this State,
or against liability, casualty, accident or hazard that may arise or occur
therein, or any agreement as to such contract, other than as plainly ex-
pressed in the policy or contract of insurance issued or to be issued
thereon, nor directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever, as induce-
ment to such insurance, pay, allow, or offer to pay or allow to the insured
named in such policy or to any employee of such insured nor shall any
such insured or the employee of such insured, directly or indirectly ac-
cept or knowingly receive, or agree to accept or receive in any manner
whatsoever, as inducement to such insurance, at any time or under any
conditions, before or after the insurance shall have been effected, any
inducement or rebate from the premium specified in the policy or contract
of insurance, or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other
benefit to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement
whatsoever not specified in the policy or contract of insurance, issued or
to be issued. No insurance agent's, broker's or solicitor's license shall be
issued to any insured or any employee of an insured for the purpose of
evading the provisions of this section. Nor shall any corporation, asso-
ciation, partnership, Lloyd's, individual underwriters, or reciprocal asso-
ciations, or any officer, agent, solicitor, or representative thereof, au-
thorized or permitted to do an insurance business in this State as insurer
or broker, give or sell to, nor any insured or his, her or its employee re-
ceive, hold, accept or purchase as an inducement to insurance any of its
stock, bonds or other securities, and no such insured or his, her or its em-
ployee, shall sell to, nor any insurer or broker or any officer, agent, solici-