1. Adoption of code not to impair vested
rights, nor discharge contracts, nor
affect pending suits and prosecu-
2. Nor to preclude prosecution for of-
fences previously committed.
3. Repeal of statute not to preclude ac-
tion or prosecution for penalty or
liability previously incurred.
4. Nor to impair rights under charter or
grant from State.
5. Administrator to include executor.
6. Decedent to include testator and in-
7. Masculine to include all genders.
8. Singular to include plural.
9. Oath to mean also affirmation.
10. Form of judicial and other oaths.
11. Manner of administering oaths.
12. Boundaries of counties and city of
13. Public local law to prevail in case of
conflict with public general law.
14. County to include city of Baltimore.
15. Person to include corporation.
An. Code, sec. 1. 1904, sec. 1. 1888, sec. 1.
1. The adoption of this code shall not affect or impair any right, vested
or acquired and existing at the time of its adoption, nor shall it impair,
discharge or release any existing contract, obligation, duty or liability
of any kind whatsoever. All pending suits, actions and prosecutions for
crimes or misdemeanors, including all civil and criminal proceedings what-
soever, shall be prosecuted and proceeded with to final determination, and
judgment entered therein as if this code had not been adopted.
Where process has been issued in a suit brought prior to the adoption of the Code
(of 1860), and the process has to be renewed after such adoption, such renewal
should be in the form prescribed by the Code, and the necessary change in the form
of the process does not make it a new suit. State v. Logan, 33 Md. 7.
Where a decree for the sale of real estate in which an infant has an interest was
passed before the adoption of the Code (of 1860) but the sale was not made until
afterwards, the proceeds must be invested in accordance with the Code. Gill v.
Wells, 59 Md. 500.
A right vested by an act of assembly prior to the adoption of the Code (of 1860),
is not impaired by such adoption. State v. Hall, 22 Md. 335.
Cited but not construed in Longley v. Jones, 26 Md. 473.
The Code of 1888 stands in lieu of, and as a substitute for, laws in force at the time
of its adoption. Erb v. Grimes, 94 Md. 104.
Act of 1924, ch. 219, legalized the An. Code of Md., edition of 1924, edited by George
P. Bagby, and made it evidence of the law.