1644 ARTICLE 43.
gation shall be fixed by said board, which, together with the actual traveling,
legal and other necessary expenses of the board and its officers, shall be
paid out of the receipts as hereafter directed.
An. Code, sec. 235. 1902, ch. 160, sec. 6.
295. The said board shall meet at least once every year, and may also
hold special meetings as frequently as the proper and efficient discharge
of its duties shall require, at the time and place to be fixed by the by-laws
and rules of the board. The by-laws and rules of the board shall provide
for the giving of proper and timely notice of all meetings to every member
of the board. A majority of all the members of the said board shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business of the said
An. Code, sec. 236. 1902, ch. 160, sec. 7. 1908, ch. 496, sec. 7. 1910, ch. 399, sec. 7 (p. 401).
1924, ch. 575, sec. 236.
296. It shall be the duty of any person, co-partnership or corporation
now carrying on the business of Undertaking in the State of Maryland at
the time of the passage of this Act to make application for registration with
the State Board of Undertakers of Maryland. If such application shall be
made by a co-partnership, the same shall state the names and addresses of
the persons composing such co-partnership, and if such application shall
be made by a corporation, it shall state the names and addresses of the
officers and directors of said corporation, and upon payment of a license fee
of five dollars such person, co-partnership or corporation shall receive
from the State Board of Undertakers of Maryland a license which shall
authorize the person., co-partnership or corporation named therein to carry
on the business of undertaking in the State of Maryland up to and includ-
ing the first day of May next succeeding the granting of such license. And
such license may be renewed annually upon the payment to the State
Board of Undertakers of Maryland of an annual renewal license fee of
five dollars by such person, co-partnership or corporation to whom such
license shall have been issued. Such license shall be signed by the Secre-
tary of the State Board of Undertakers of Maryland and attested by its
seal, and such licenses may be issued by the Secretary of said board
during the interim of the meetings of the said board upon proper application
and the payment of such license fee of five dollars.
Act of 1902, ch. 160, is valid; it does not create arbitrary and unreasonable classi-
fications. A person is not required, in order to secure a license, to qualify as an
embalmer; the test relates to knowledge of undertaking, sanitation, preservation of
the dead, and disinfecting deceased persons, apartments, etc. Counts in indictment
upheld. Special pleas held defective. See notes to art. 1, sec. 15, and art. 23, sec. 228
of An. Code, 1912—see foot-note to art. 48A. Keller v. State, 122 Md. 681 (decided
prior to act 1924, ch. 575).
Where an undertaker's license expired under sec. 239 of An. Code, 1912, pending a
suit to enjoin the revocation thereof, no appeal lay from a decree refusing such in-
junction. Syfer v. Spence, 103 Md. 67.
1924, ch. 575, sec. 236A.
297. Before any person, co-partnership or corporation shall hereafter
engage in the business of Undertaking in this State and before any person,