HEALTH. 1597
name of any physician licensed by said board to be removed from the reg-
ister of the licentiates of the city or county where it may be recorded for
any of the following causes, to wit: The use of fraud or deception in pass-
ing the examination provided in this sub-title, habitual drunkenness, crimi-
nal abortion, conviction of crime involving moral turpitude or unpro-
fessional or dishonorable conduct. Before proceeding to revoke any such
license, the person against whom complaint is made shall be furnished
with a copy of the complaint and charges made against him, and shall
be given an opportunity for a hearing before the board, in person or by
attorney, and at such hearing testimony may be offered for and against
the accused. The action of the board shall be reduced to writing, stating
also the reasons for said action, and a copy thereof shall be delivered or
mailed to the person against whom complaint is made; within sixty days
after said notice of revocation of license shall have been delivered or
mailed to any person said party shall have the right of appeal to the cir-
cuit court of the city or county wherein he may reside, the judge or judges
of which said court shall fully hear and determine all matters connected
with the action of said board from which appeal is taken, and the de-
cision of said court shall be final; should no such appeal be taken within
sixty days, or should said appeal result in the affirmation of the action of
said board, the clerk of the circuit court or courts where said license so
revoked shall have been recorded shall, upon due notice from the secretary-
treasurer of said board, strike off the name of said party from the list of
licensed practitioners recorded upon said register. At any time within
two years from the revocation of any license, the board revoking the same
may, by a vote of five members, issue without examination a new license
to the person whose license was so revoked; but after the expiration of
two years such person can obtain a new license only by compliance with the
same requirements which are imposed on other applicants for licenses
under this sub-title.
State Veterinary Medical Board.
An. Code, sec. 136. 1904, sec. 107. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 1.
144. A commission is hereby established to be known under the name
and style' of the " State Veterinary Medical Board," to consist of five com-
missioners, who shall be members in good standing of some school of
veterinary medicine, who shall be appointed by the governor every four
years and who shall hold their office until their successors are duly ap-
pointed and qualified, with power in and to said board to adopt by-laws
and regulations such as they may deem advisable to carry into effect the
provisions of this sub-title; provided, the said by-laws shall not conflict
with the constitution or laws of this State or of the United States.
As to the live stock sanitary board and other laws re. live stock, see art. 58.
An. Code, sec. 137. 1904, sec. 108. 1894, ch. 273, sec. 2.
145. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to practise veteri-
nary medicine or surgery in the State of Maryland without having previ-
ously obtained a diploma from a college duly authorized to grant such to