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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)
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authority to veto such a bill. Bills held not to contain distinct legislation. Manda-
mus may issue to command the Governor to publish proposed amendments to the
Constitution in accordance with this section. When such amendments do not em-
brace distinct legislation. The term " general assembly " as used in this section means
the two houses of the legislature. Amendments to, and methods of amending, the
various Maryland Constitutions; prerogative of the Governor thereunder. Warfield
v. Vandiver, 101 Md. 108. (See also dissenting opinion, pages 128-132. )

The amendment to art. 7, sec. 1, proposed by the act of 1890, ch. 255, held to have
been validly adopted. Since this section confides to the Governor exclusively the
power and duty of ascertaining the result of a vote on a constitutional amendment,
no jurisdiction is conferred on the court of appeals to revise his decision. Upon the
proclamation of the Governor that a proposed amendment has received a majority
of the votes cast, it becomes eo instanti a part of the Constitution. See notes to
art. 7, sec. 1. Worman v. Hagan, 78 Md. 163.

The legislature may not make the validity of a public general statute dependent
upon its approval by a majority of the voters of the state under a referendum;
hence the soldiers' bonus act, act 1922, ch. 448, is void. The legislature may not
delegate its law-making power. The general assembly of Maryland has the exclusive
power of making laws, subject to certain veto powers of the Governor. Other con-
stitutional questions not passed upon. Brawner v. Supervisors, 141 Md. 592.

Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide by Law
for taking, at the general election to be held in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-seven, and every twenty years thereafter, the sense of the people
in regard to calling a convention for altering this Constitution; and if a
majority of voters at such election or elections shall vote for a convention,
the General Assembly, at its next session, shall provide by Law for the
assembling of such convention, and for the election of Delegates thereto.
Each County and Legislative District of the City of Baltimore shall have
in such convention a number of Delegates equal to its representation in
both Houses at the time at which the convention is called. But any
Constitution, or change, or amendment of the existing Constitution, which
may be adopted by such convention, shall be submitted to the voters of this
State, and shall have no effect unless the same shall have been adopted by
a majority of the voters voting thereon.



Section 1. Every person holding any office created by, or existing under
the Constitution, or Laws of the State (except Justices of the Peace, Con-
stables and Coroners), or holding any appointment under any Court of
this State, whose pay or compensation is derived from fees or moneys
coming into his hands for the discharge of his official duties, or in any way
growing out of or connected with his office, shall keep a book in which shall
be entered every sum or sums of money received by him, or on his account,
as a payment or compensation for his performance of official duties, a copy
of which entries in said book, verified by the oath of the officer by whom it is
directed to be kept, shall be returned yearly to the Comptroller of the State
for his inspection, and that of the General Assembly of the State, to which
the Comptroller shall, at each regular session thereof, make a report show-


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)
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