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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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Section 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the Treasury, and the
Treasurer shall constitute the Board of Public Works in this State. They
shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and shall hold regular sessions
in the City of Annapolis on the first Wednesday in January, April, July
and October in each year, .and oftener if necessary; at which sessions they
shall hear and determine such matters as affect the Public Works of the
State, and as the General Assembly may confer upon them the power to

See art. 78A of the An. Code.

Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful supervision of all
Public Works in which the State may be interested as Stockholder or
Creditor, and shall represent and vote the stock of the State of Maryland
in all meetings of the stockholders of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal; and
shall appoint the Directors in every Railroad and Canal Company in which
the State has the legal power to appoint Directors, which said Directors
shall represent the State in all meetings of the Stockholders of the respec-
tive Companies for which they are appointed or elected. And the President
and Directors of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company shall so
regulate the tolls of said Company from time to time as to produce the
largest amount of revenue, and to avoid the injurious effect to said Com-
pany of rival competition by other Internal Improvement Companies.
They shall require the Directors of all said Public Works to guard the
public interest and prevent the establishment of tolls which shall discrimi-
nate against the interest of the citizens or products of this State, and from
time to time, and as often as there shall be any change in the rates of toll
on any of the said Works, to furnish the said Board of Public Works a
schedule of such modified rates of toll, and so adjust them as to promote
the agricultural interests of the State; they shall report to the General
Assembly at each regular session, and recommend such legislation as they
may deem necessary and requisite to promote or protect the interests of
the State in the said Public Works; they shall perform such other duties
as may be hereafter prescribed by Law, and a majority of them shall be com-
petent to act. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer shall receive no
additional salary for services rendered by them as members of the Board
of Public Works. The provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland of the year 1867, chapter 359, are hereby declared null and void.

Sec. 3. The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized, subject to such
regulations and conditions as the General Assembly may from time to
time prescribe, to sell the State's interest in all works of internal improve-
ment, whether as a Stockholder or a Creditor, and also the State's interest
in any banking corporation, receiving in payment the bonds and registered
debt now owing by the State, equal in amount to the price obtained for
the State's said interest.1

1 Thus amended by act of 1890, ch. 362, ratified November 3, 1891.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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