1496 ARTICLE 41.
for which he or they were so designated, shall be held and considered as
presented to the governor for his approval within the meaning of the con-
stitution of the State.
Words " as soon thereafter as practicable " as used in this section 'relative to
presentation of bills to the Governor, are of a relative and dependent character to
be controlled more or less by circumstances and do not furnish a definite and fixed
rule. See notes to art. 2, sec. 17, and art. 3, sec. 30, of the Md. Constitution. Johnson
v. Luers, 129 Md. 526.
The record of official acts of executive department kept by secretary of state may
be used to show that a bill endorsed as having been presented to the Governor
on a certain day, was presented on a different day. Where a bill is passed and
sealed, as directed, it may be presented to Governor and signed after close of session
of legislature, provided Governor signs within six days from the time bill is pre-
sented. Lankford v. Somerset County, 73 Md. 105.
Act of 1853, ch. 131, places the great seal in the custody of Governor, who alone
can authorize its use, and he is required to verify by his signature every document
to which it may be affixed. Secretary of state has no control over great seal. Har-
wood v. Marshall, 9 Md. 102.
If a bill is presented to Governor without the great seal, he may refuse to con-
sider it. Hamilton v. State, 61 Md. 27.
An. Code, sec. 2. 1904, sec. 2. 1888, sec. 2. 1853, ch. 131, sec. 2.
16. The governor shall not affix the great seal to any document without
accompanying it with his signature; nor shall he permit any paper issuing
from his department to be sealed therewith without affixing his signature
An. Code/sec. 3. 1904, sec. 3. 1888, sec. 3. 1853, ch. 21.
17. The governor, on the presentation to him of a patent by the com-
missioner of the land office, certified by said commissioner as proper to be
issued, shall be authorized to sign such patent and cause the great seal to
be affixed thereto.
See art. 54, sec. 43.
An. Code, sec. 4. 1904, sec. 4. 1888, sec. 4. 1853, ch. 54.
18. The governor is authorized on application to affix the great seal to
copies of laws and resolutions, certified by the clerk of the court of appeals
under his seal to be true copies.
An. Code, sec. 5. 1904, sec. 5. 1888, sec. 5. 1795, ch. 82, sec. 1.
19. The governor is authorized and required whenever sentence of
death is pronounced on any criminal by the judgment of a court of this
State to issue a warrant to the sheriff of the county or city who ought by
law to execute such judgment, ordering and directing the sheriff to execute
said judgment at such time as in his warrant he shall appoint.
An. Code, sec. 8. 1904, sec. 8. 1888, sec. 8. 1782, ch. 12, sec. 1. 1904, ch. 552.
20. The governor may remit the whole or any part of any recognizance
which may be forfeited; provided, the judge of the court in which such
forfeiture took place shall recommend the remission of the whole or some
part thereof. And provided further that the governor may remit the whole
or any part of any recognizance taken by a justice of the peace and forfeited
upon recommendation of said justice of the peace, or upon such other recom-
mendation or statements of the fact as the governor may deem satisfactory.