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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 149   View pdf image (33K)
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213. The qualifications of electors of members of the City Council shall
be the same as those of electors of the Mayor. All vacancies in the City
Council shall be filled without delay by the City Council from the Council-
manic District in which the said vacancy occurs, by an election of a person
possessing the qualifications hereinbefore prescribed, to fill the unexpired
term of the former incumbent.

214. All powers, rights, duties and privileges heretofore vested in the
First and Second Branches of the City Council, or in either of them, shall
be vested in the City Council, as herein constituted. All powers, rights,
duties and privileges heretofore vested in the President of the Second
Branch of the City Council shall be vested in the President of the City
Council as provided for herein. All acts subject to amendment in accor-
dance with Article XI-A of the Constitution, or parts of such acts, and all
ordinances or parts of ordinances, and all sections, or parts of sections of
this charter, including Section 657 B of Article IV of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, inconsistent or in conflict with Sections 209, 210,
211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 221 and 222 as hereby enacted, are
hereby repealed and declared null and void.

215. For the purpose of establishing Councilmanic Districts, the Mayor
shall appoint, as soon as may be, a Commission consisting of three members,
who shall be members of the Board of Supervisors of Election of Baltimore
City; the said Commissioners shall serve without pay; one of the said Com-
missioners shall be the President of said Commission and shall be so desig-
nated by the Mayor. In case any one or more persons who are members of
the Board of Supervisors of Election shall refuse or be unable to serve, the
Mayor shall appoint such other persons not members of the Board of Super-
visors of Election as he may deem fit for said office, but not more than two
of said Commissioners shall be affiliated with the same political party. The
said Commission shall divide and apportion the City of Baltimore into six
Councilmanic Districts, as near as may be, of equal population and of con-
tiguous territory, and fix the boundaries thereof. The districts so divided
shall be the Councilmanic Districts for the election of members of the City
Council. When the said six Councilmanic Districts are so laid out by the
said Commissioners as hereinbefore directed it shall be the duty of the said
Commissioners to make or cause to be made in a proper book, a careful
description of the boundaries of each of said Councilmanic Districts num-
bered under its proper number and after making a careful and exact copy
of the same in another proper book, and after verifying the said original
book and the said copy by their signatures, to deposit the original book in
the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and to be
recorded by him among the Land Records in his Office, and a copy of the
description or descriptions contained in the said record of the boundaries
or any one or more Councilmanic Districts therein mentioned and de-
scribed, shall be evidence of the boundaries of such Councilmanic District
or Districts so laid out as aforesaid, and the copy of said original book so
made and so verified, as aforesaid, shall be deposited with the Board of
Supervisors of Election of Baltimore City to be retained among the records


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 149   View pdf image (33K)
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