1484 ARTICLE 40.
names of counsel employed to appear at any hearing before the general
assembly, or either branch thereof, or any committee thereof, for the pur-
pose of making an argument or examining witnesses, and also the names
of any regular counsel of corporations or associations who act or advise
in relation to legislation, and in the docket of legislative agents shall be en-
tered the names of all agents employed in connection with any legisla-
tion, and of all persons employed for other purposes who render any ser-
vice as such agents. In such dockets there shall be entered the name and
business address of the employer, the name, residence and occupation of
the person employed, the date of the employment or agreement therefor,
the length of time that the employment is to continue, if such time can be
determined, and the special subject or subjects of legislation to which the
employment relates.
An. Code, sec. 6. 1904, sec. 6. 1900, ch. 328, sec. 6.
6. Any person employing any legislative counsel or agents shall, from
time to time, as fast as subjects of legislation are introduced or arise which
such counsel or agent is to promote or oppose, make or cause to be made
additional entries under his or its name in the appropriate docket afore-
said, stating such special employment, and specifically referring to the
petitions, orders, bills or other subjects of legislation to which the same
relates, and such entries shall also be. made opposite to the name of such
counsel or agents in such manner that the entries opposite the name of
any employer shall show all the subjects of legislation in relation to which
any counsel or agent is employed by him, and so that the entries opposite
the name of every person employed shall show all the subjects of legisla-
tion with reference to which such person is employed. No person shall be
allowed to appear as counsel before either branch of the general assembly,
or any committee thereof, in respect to any legislation, unless his name
duly appears upon the docket of legislative counsel as employed in respect
to such matters as above provided. No person shall, directly or indirectly,
employ another as legislative agent in respect to any legislation, unless
the name of the person so employed is duly entered upon the proper legis-
lative docket as provided by this sub-title, and no person shall act in any
manner as legislative counsel or agent in any respect to any legislation,
unless his name duly appears upon the proper legislative docket, as pro-
vided by this sub-title, as employed in connection with such legislation.
No person shall be employed as a legislative counsel or agent for a com-
pensation dependent, in any manner, upon the passage or defeat of any
proposed legislation, or upon any other contingency connected with the
action of the general assembly, or of either branch thereof, or of any com-
mittee thereof. No person whose name is entered upon the docket of
legislative counsel shall render any service as such counsel otherwise than
by appearing before the general assembly, or either branch thereof, or
some committee thereof, and by doing work properly incident thereto, or
by giving legal advice in the case of regular legal counsel of corporations
or associations, unless his name is also entered on the docket of legislative