1452 ARTICLE 39.
and every offense, and shall stand committed to the county jail if said
fine is not paid for one day for each dollar of fine imposed, but not for a
period of more than sixty days. Any deputy game warden or constable or
informer who shall procure a conviction under said sections shall be en-
titled to the half fine received, and remaining half shall be paid over to
the state treasurer to the account of the state game protection fund, to be
used by the state game -warden for' the protection of fish in waters of the
State as may be provided by law.
An. Code, sec. 89. 1910, ch. 255, sec. 2 (p. 136).
. 100. The clerks of the circuit courts of the counties and the clerk of
the superior court of Baltimore city, .shall annually, on the first day of
January of each and every year, transmit to the treasurer of this state all
moneys received by them for licenses, after deducting the fees herein
authorized; the said amount so received by the treasurer shall be placed to
the credit of a fund to be known as the " State Game Protection Fund,"
and shall be disbursed by the state treasurer on warrants signed by the
state game warden, approved by the governor and filed with the comp-
troller, who shall draw his warrant therefor on the treasurer.
An. Code, sec. 90. 1906, ch. 479.
101. Provided, however, that this article shall not apply to those per-
sons who take fish by hook and line, commonly known as anglers.
An. Code, sec. 91. 1906, ch. 148.
102. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take, catch or
gather hard shell crabs in any of the waters of the State of Maryland be-
tween the first day of November and the first day of May next succeeding
in each and every year.
An. Code, sec. 92. 1906, ch. 148.
103. Any person or persons violating the preceding section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any
justice of the peace shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten dollars nor
more than twenty-five dollars, or be confined in the county jail of the
county in which said offense was committed for not more than three
months, or be both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the justice
of the peace or the court trying the same.
An. Code, sec. 93. 1906, ch. 148. 1916, ch. 544.
104. It shall be the duty of the State Fishery Force to assist in en-
forcing the provisions of the crab laws of this State, and to that end the
deputy commanders of said Force now or hereafter assigned by law to cer-
tain districts shall be specially charged with the enforcement of said laws
within their respective districts and with power to arrest all violators
thereof wherever found within the State.