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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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Section 1. The General Assembly shall make, from time to time, such
provisions for organizing, equipping and disciplining the Militia, as the
exigency may require and pass such Laws to promote Volunteer Militia
Organizations as may afford them effectual encouragement.
See art. 65 of the An. Code.

Sec. 2. There shall he an Adjutant-General appointed by the Governor,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. He shall hold his office
until the appointment and qualification of his successor, or until removed
in pursuance of the sentence of a court-martial. He shall perform such
duties and receive such compensation or emoluments as are now or may
be prescribed by law. He shall discharge the duties of his office at the seat
of government, unless absent under orders, on duty; and no other officer
of the General Staff of the Militia shall receive salary or pay, except when
on service and mustered in with troops.

While the Governor has no power to remove an adjutant-general at his pleas-
ure, with the concurrence of the senate he may appoint a successor, and upon the
latter's qualification the prior incumbent's right of office terminates. Under art. 2,
sec. 15, the adjutant-general may be removed by the Governor in pursuance of a
court-martial. History of this section. McBlair v. Bond, 41 Md. 154.

Under this section as it stood in the Constitution of 1864, the Governor could
not per °se, without the advice and consent of the senate, appoint a successor to the
incumbent but such incumbent might be superseded by the concurrent action of the
Governor and senate. In the event of the resignation, death or removal of the
adjutant-general during the recess of the senate, the Governor would have the right
to issue a temporary commission because such vacancy would be one which he was
authorized to fill—see notes to art. 4, secs. 5 and 12. Magruder v. Swann, 25 Md.
215; Watkins v. Watkins, 2 Md. 353 (dealing with the Constitution of 1851).

See notes to art. 2, sec. 11.

Sec. 3. The existing Militia Law of the State shall expire at the end
of the next session of the General Assembly, except so far as it may be
re-enacted, subject to the provisions of this Article.



Section 1. There shall be a Superintendent of Labor and Agriculture
elected by the qualified voters of this State at the first General Election
for Delegates to the General Assembly, after the adoption of this Consti-
tution, who shall hold his office for the term of four years, and until the
election and qualification of his successor.

As to hours of labor, see art. 100; as to agriculture, see art. 2A, An. Code.

Sec. 2. His qualifications shall be the same as those prescribed for the
Comptroller; he shall qualify and enter upon the duties of his office on the

1 This article expired by limitation.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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