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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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the General Assembly, the said State's Attorney, Deputy and Assistants
shall receive the following annual salaries: State's Attorney, seven thou-
sand five hundred dollars, Deputy State's Attorney, five thousand dollars,
Assistant State's Attorneys, four thousand dollars each; said salaries, or
such salaries as the General Assembly may subsequently provide, and such
expense for conducting the office of the State's Attorney as the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City may authorize or approve shall be paid by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to the extent that the total of them
exceeds the fees of his office, or as the General Assembly shall otherwise
provide, and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall not be liable
for appearance fees to the State's Attorney.] 1

Sec. 10. No person shall be eligible to the office of State's Attorney
who has not been admitted to practice Law in this State, and who has not
resided for at least two years in the county or city in which he may be

Sec. 11. In case of a vacancy in the office of State's Attorney, or of his
removal from the county or city in which he shall have been elected, or on
his conviction as herein specified, the said vacancy shall be filled by the
Judge of the county or city, respectively, having criminal jurisdiction, in
which said vacancy shall occur, for the residue of the term thus made

See notes to art. 4, see. 32.

Sec. 12. The State's Attorney in each county, and the City of Baltimore,
shall have authority to collect, and give receipt, in the name of the State,
for such sums of money as may be collected by him, and forthwith make
return of and pay over the same to the proper accounting officer. And the
State's Attorney of each county, and the City of Baltimore, before he shall
enter on the discharge of his duties, shall execute a bond to the State of
Maryland, for the faithful performance of his duties, in the penalty of
ten thousand dollars, with two or more securities, to be approved by the
Judge of the Court having criminal jurisdiction in said counties or city.
This section referred to—see notes to art. 15, sec. 1, of the Constitution.
Schneider v. Yellott, 124 Md. 98.



Section 1. There shall be a Treasury Department, consisting of a
Comptroller chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at each general
election at which the Governor is chosen, who shall receive such salary as
may be fixed by law; and a Treasurer, to be appointed by the two Houses
of the Legislature, at each regular session thereof, in which begins the
term of the Governor, on joint ballot, who shall receive an annual salary
of two thousand five hundred dollars; and the terms of office of the said

1 This amendment was submitted by act of 1924, ch. 177, and will be voted upon by
the people in November, 1924.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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