1918, ch. 144.
AN ACT to legalize Volume 4 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
edited by George P. Bagby, and make it, in connection with Volumes
1, 2 and 3 of said Code, evidence of the law.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly at its sessions of 1912 and 1914
legalized and made evidence of the law Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, edited by George F. Bagby, which com-
pleted the codification of the Public General Laws of the State clown
to and inclusive of the Acts of 1914; and
WHEREAS, Volume 4 of the Annotated Code of Maryland now in
course of preparation, will include the Public General Acts of 1016,
1917 and 1918, and thus complete to the date of its publication the
codification of the Public General Laws of the State:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Volume 4 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, edited by George
P. Bagby, be, and the same is, hereby legalized, and, in connection with
Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of said Code legalized and made evidence of the
Law by the Acts of 1912, Chapter 21, and 1914, Chapter 1«, shall be
deemed and taken in all the courts of the State, by all the justices of
the peace of the State, and by all public officials of the State, to be
evidence of the Public General Laws of the State contained in the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland of 1888 and the Public General
Laws enacted subsequent thereto; provided that before Volume 4 of
said Annotated Code is published the Public General Laws enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland at its session of 1918 be incorporated
Approved April 10, 1918.