of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County as shall, under the pro-
visions of this Act, be annexed to and made part of Baltimore City;
and thereupon all the provisions of the Public Local Laws of Maryland
relating to Baltimore County, except as hereinafter otherwise provided,
shall cease to be in force in such portions of Baltimore County as shall,
under the provisions of this Act, be annexed to and made part of Bal-
timore City, and all the provisions of the Public Local Laws of Mary-
land relating to Anne Arundel County, except as hereinafter otherwise
provided, shall cease to be in force in such portions of Anne Arundel
County as shall, under the provisions of this Act, be annexed to and
made part of Baltimore City. But nothing herein, or elsewhere in this
Act, shall affect the power of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to amend or repeal any ordinance existing at the date of the passage of
this Act. Any reference herein to existing laws shall be understood to
include any amendment or amendments which may be made to such
laws at any time hereafter.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall be and hereby are authorized and required to cause
the metes and bounds described in the first section of this Act to be
forthwith surveyed and distinctly marked, and suitable boundary stones,
marked as boundaries of the said city, to be placed" at the beginning
and at the termination of each line; and boundary stones marked as
aforesaid, and not at a greater distance than fifty perches from each
other, to be placed on all the lines which are not in the water and do
not run with some natural boundary; and that the said Mayor and City
Council shall cause three plats of the said survey to be made and duly
certified as hereinafter provided, one of which shall be returned to and
recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County, another of which shall be returned to and recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, and the
third shall be returned to and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Baltimore City, and copies of the said plats, duly
certified by the keepers of the said records for the time being, respec-
tively, and under their respective seals of office, shall be admitted as
evidence in all courts within this State. The said survey, so far as it
relates to the boundary hereby established between Baltimore City and
Anne Arundel County, shall be made under the direction of the Chief
Engineer of the Topographical Survey Commission of Baltimore City
and the Surveyor of Anne Arundel County, and so far as the same
relates to the boundary hereby established between Baltimore City and
Baltimore County shall be made under the direction of the Chief Engi-
neer of the Topographical Survey Commission of Baltimore City and
the Surveyor of Baltimore County. In the event of any disagreement
between the Chief Engineer of the Topographical Survey Commission
of Baltimore City and the Surveyor of Baltimore County, with refer-
ence to the proper location of the new boundary established by this Act
between Baltimore City and Baltimore County, the point or points of