6. "Injury" and "Personal Injury" mean only accidental injuries
arising out of and in the course of employment and such disease or
infection as may naturally result therefrom.
7. "Death" when mentioned as a basis for the right to compensation
means only death resulting from such injury.
8. "Average weekly wages" for the purposes of this Article shall be
taken to mean the average weekly wages earned by an employee when
working on full time.
9. "State Accident Fund" means the State Insurance Fund provided
for in Section 16 of this article.
10. "Child" shall include a posthumous child and a child legally
adopted prior to the injury of the employee.
11. "Beneficiary" means a husband, wife, child, children or depend-
ents of an employee in whom shall vest a right to receive payment
under this article.
12. "Mining" means all underground workings by shaft, drift,
slope or otherwise, for the securing, removing and taking out from
under the ground coal, iron ore, clays, and all other minerals and min-
eral substances, found in and under the earth, and shall mean all work
done by any miner or employee working in and about said mines in
said shafts, slopes, headings, tunnels, rooms and other subterranean
places therein, for the purposes of obtaining and removing therefrom
all such minerals and mineral substances, and the benefits of this article
shall be extended to any employee, or in case of his death, to his depend-
ent relatives, otherwise entitled, who shall be killed or injured while
so working or employed therein, and such mine worker shall be deemed
to be wholly employed in the State of Maryland, and entitled to the
benefits of this article, if the tipple, mouth or principal mine entrance
in and about which he works, is situated in this State, notwithstanding
such shaft, heading, slope or other subterranean tunnel may extend
underground into an adjoining State, and notwithstanding such mine
worker so employed in this State may be killed or injured while work-
ing in said mine beyond the lines of this State, and within the lines of
an adjoining State.
This section referred to in construing sections 36 and 54—see notes
thereto. Adleman v. Ocean Accident & G. Cor. 130 Md. 576.
*The act of 1916. chapter 713, appropriates out of the treasury of Maryland
money sufficient to pay the salaries of the members of the state industrial acci-
dent commission, and further provides that the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more shall hot pay after October 1, 1916. any portion of said salaries.