1. The operation, including construction and repair, of railways
operated by steam, electric or other motive power, street railways and
incline railways, but not in their construction when constructed by any
person other than the company which owns or operates the railways,
including work of express, sleeping, parlor and dining car employees on
railway trains.
2. Construction and operation of railways not included in para-
graph 1.
3. The operation, including construction and repair, of car shops,
machine shops, steam and power plants, and other works for the pur-
poses of any such railway, or used or to be used in connection with it
when operated, constructed or repaired by the company which owns or
operates the railway.
4. The operation, including construction and repair, of car shops,
machine shops, steam and power plants, not included in paragraph 3.
5. The operation, including construction and repair, of telephone
lines and wires for the purposes of the business of a telephone company,
or used or to be used in connection with its business, when constructed
or operated by the company.
6. The operation, including construction and repair, of telegraph
lines and wires for the purposes of the business of a telegraph com-
pany, or used or to be used in connection with its business, when con-
structed or operated by the company.
7. Construction of telegraph and telephone lines not included in
paragraphs 5 and 6.
8. The operation, within or without the state, including repair, of
vessels other than vessels of other states or countries used in interstate
or foreign commerce, when operated or repaired by the company.
9. Shipbuilding, including construction and repair in a ship yard
or elsewhere, not included in paragraph 8.
10. Longshore work, including the loading or unloading of cargoes
or parts of cargoes of grain, coal, ore, freight, general merchandise,
lumber or other products or materials, or moving or handling the same
on any dock, platform or place, or in any warehouse or other place of
11. Subaqueous or caisson construction and pile driving.
12. Construction, installation or operation of electric light and elec-
tric power lines, dynamos or appliances and power transmission lines.
13. Paving, sewer and subway construction, work under compressed
air, excavation, tunneling and shaft sinking, well digging, laying and
repair of underground pipes, cables and wires, not included in para-
graph 5 of this section.
14. Lumbering, logging, river-driving, rafting, booming, saw mills,
shingle mills, lath mills, manufacture of veneer and of excelsior, manu-
facture of staves, spokes or headings.