State Industrial Accident Commis-
3. Salaries; expenses.
Suit — Methods of Insurance.
14. Duty of employers; injuries not
included in this article. Failure
of employer to comply — option of
employee; defences abolished in
case of suit. Employments not
15. Methods of insurance; employers
who carry their own insurance;
bond ; deposit of securities. Pen-
alty; court may remit.
State Accident Fund.
16. Creation and administration of.
17. Payments into.
26. Withdrawal from.
27. Administrative expenses; assess-
ment of.
Application of Article; Extra-Hazard-
ous Employments.
32. To what employments this article
is applicable; all extra-hazard-
ous employments.
Claims and Compensation; Benefits,
36. Amounts to be paid employees and
dependents ; aliens.
37. Medical, hospital and funeral ex-
penses; proviso.
39. Application for compensation,
when filed ; death cases ; proofs.
46. No compensation in case of self-
inflicted injuries, wilful miscon-
duct or Intoxication.
59A. Copy of docket entries and judg-
ment to be sent commission.
60A. Employees of sub-contractor may
proceed hereunder against prin-
cipal contractor ; sub-contractor
liable to principal contractor.
63. Definition and explanation of
terms; to whom article not ap-