To the note to this section on page 272 of volume 1 of the Annotated
Code, add "And see Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 79, 80."
This section referred to; see notes to section 39. Belmont Dairy Co. v.
Thrasher, 124 Md. 326.
This section referred to as having been applied in Keyser v. Warfield,
100 Md. 72, and 103 Md. 161. Lightner v. Roach, 126 Md. 477.
CHAPTER II—Negotiable Instruments in General. Form and Interpretation.
See notes to section 47.
Where an officer of a corporation signs his name to a note after the
name of the corporation without any qualification or the addition of his
official title, he is prima, facie personally liable. For the defense to pre-
vail that the individual signed his name merely to complete the signature
of the corporation, the jury must find that such was the understanding
between the parties when the note was issued. Belmont Dairy Co. v.
Thrasher, 124 Md. 325. And see Knipp v. Bagby, 126 Md. 465.
CHAPTER III—Consideration of Negotiable Instruments.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 84.
See notes to section 47.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 84.
As between the maker and payee the burden of proof in general is upon
the maker to show a want of consideration or that the note was fraudu-
lently obtained from him or filled in by the payee; if the facts are, how-
ever, peculiarly within the control of the plaintiff, and possibly under
other exceptional circumstances, the burden will be on the plaintiff. Shaf-
fer v. Bond, 129 Md. 653.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 84.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 84, 87.
CHAPTER V—Rights of Holder.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 85.
This section referred to in construing sections 14 and 138—see notes
thereto. Jamesson v. Citizens Bank, 130 Md. 85.
See notes to section 47.