This section held to have no bearing upon the question of whether a
gift of a fund had been perfected. Mathias v. Fowler, 124 Md. 667.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 74 (p. 30). 1912, ch. 194, sec. 74. 1918, ch. 33, sec. 75.
75. No person, co-partnership or corporation not subject to the
supervision and examinations of the Bank Commissioner, and not
required to make reports to him by the provisions of this Article, shall
make use of any sign at the place where such business is transacted,
having thereon any artificial or corporate name or other words indicat-
ing that such place or office is the place or office of a banking institution
as defined in this Article; nor shall such person or persons make use
of or circulate any letter-heads, bill-heads, blank notes, blank receipts,
certificates, circulars, or any written or printed, or partly written or
printed paper whatever, having thereon any artificial or corporate name,
or other word or words indicating that such business is the business of
a banking institution. Any person or persons violating any of the
provisions of this section, either individually or as an interested party
in any copartnership or corporation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not more than one
thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not more than one year, or by
both fine and imprisonment. The provisions of this section shall not
apply to persons, copartnerships, or corporations which, on June 1,
1918, are engaged in business in incorporated towns or cities of the
Stats of less than ten thousand inhabitants.