shall by uniform rules provide for separate assessment of land, classifica-
tion of improvements, etc., imposed a mandatory duty which the general
assembly could not delegate, but it was not a self-executing provision.
While the general assembly did not discharge this duty, it does not follow
that valid laws relating to assessments, not in conflict with this article as
amended, may not be availed of for that purpose; such laws are left in
full force and effect. Article 81, section 249, held valid and not in conflict
with this article. See notes to article 81, sections 235 and 248. Leser v.
Lowenstein, 129 Md. 249.
To the first note to this section on pages 7-8 of volume 3 of the Anno-
tated Code, add (affirmed in Wagner v. Leser, 60 L. Ed. 230).
To the second note to this section beginning on, page 10 of volume 3 of
the Annotated Code, add cf. Carroll County v. Westminster, 123 Md. 202
(involving the Act of 1890, Ch. 508).
To the third note to this section beginning on page 10 of volume 3 of the
Annotated Code, add Carroll County v. Westminster, 123 Md. 202 (involv-
ing the Act of 1890, Ch. 508).
Strike out the reference to the Daily Record in the 2nd note beginning
on page 8 of volume 3 of the code, and in lieu thereof, insert Foote v.
Stanley, 58 L. Ed. 698; add to the note—See article 72, section 70.
See notes to article 3, section 33 of the constitution.
Art. 16.
See notes to article 27, section 17.
Art. 21.
A trial should not be so conducted as to have the appearance of a star
chamber proceeding; limitations on this rule. Testimony should be taken
in the presence of the accused; counsel cannot waive this right. Dutton
v. State, 123 Md. 386.
Art. 23.
The act of 1910, chapter 153, as amended by the act of 1912, chapter
445, creating a fund for the relief of coal and clay mine employes in
Allegany and Garrett Counties and their dependents, held not to violate
this article or article 3, section 40 of the Maryland Constitution. These
provisions do not restrain the reasonable exercise of the police power;
purpose of these provisions. American Coal Co. v. Allegany County, 128
Md. 572.
The act of 1910, chapter 94, providing that eight hours should constitute
a day's work for all laborers, etc., in the employ of the City of Baltimore,
except under certain conditions and subject to certain provisos, held con-
stitutional ; the fact that the law applies only to Baltimore City does not
render it invalid. Sweeten r. State, 122 Md. 637.
This article does not defeat the right of an insurer to make an autopsy
upon a dead body. Power of disposition over, and quasi property right
in, such body. Painter v. U. S. F. & G. Co., 123 Md. 308.
To the last note to this section on page 18 and to the 2nd note on page
19 of volume 3 of the Annotated Code, add (affirmed in Wagner v Leser
60 L. Ed. 230).
See notes to article 3, section 29, of the constitution, and to article 72,
section 96B of the code.
Art. 25.
See notes to article 27, section 17.