mission, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury available
therefor and not otherwise appropriated, or out of any moneys appro-
priated for such purpose; in the latter event such payments to be made,
from time to time, on the order of the Executive Committee of the
Maryland Council of Defense, by and with the sanction and approval
of the Governor, such orders to be directed to the Comptroller, who
shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the amount thereof, as
in law provided. The several counties, cities and towns are, respec-
tively, authorized and empowered to make any and all appropriations,
assessments and levies necessary to enable them, respectively, to pay the
expenses and per diem payments which Sections 684 to 691 authorize
or direct them to pay, in case Section 687 is availed of by them. The
per diem payments which are to be made by the State Roads Commis-
sion, under Section 689, shall be paid out of that Commission's appro-
State Penitentiary.
692-727. Repealed. (Act of 1916, ch. 556.)
Process Against Corporations in Criminal Cases.
This section recognizes the existence of unincorporated joint stock com-
panies or associations doing business in Maryland. The status of real
estate held by trustes of Adams Express Company. Riffon Realty Corpora-
tion v. Adams Land, etc., Co., 128 Md. 662.