knowledge every signature thereon is genuine and bona fide, and that
the signers are registered voters of the State of Maryland, and of the
City of Baltimore, or County, as the case may be, as set opposite their
names, and no other verification shall be required.
Sec. 5 (a). The General Assembly shall provide for furnishing the
voters of the State the text of all measures to be voted upon by the
people, provided, that until otherwise provided by law the same shall
be published in the manner prescribed by Article XIV of the Constitu-
tion foi the publication of proposed Constitutional Amendments.
(b). All laws referred under the provisions of this Article shall be
submitted separately on the ballots to the voters of the people, but if
containing more than two hundred words, the full text shall not be
printed on the official ballots, but the Secretary of State shall prepare
and submit a ballot title of each such measure in such form as to pre-
sent the purpose of said measure concisely and intelligently. The bal-
lot title may be distinct from the legislative title, but in any case the
legislative title shall be sufficient. Upon each of the ballots, following
the ballot title or text, as the case may be, of each such measure, there
shall be printed the words "For the referred law" and "Against the
referred law," as the case may be. The votes cast for and against any
such referred law shall be returned to the Governor in the manner pre-
scribed with respect to proposed amendments to the Constitution under
Article XTV of this Constitution, and the Governor shall proclaim the
result of the election, and, if it shall appear that the majority of the
votes cast on any such measure were cast in favor thereof, the Governor
shall by his proclamation declare the same having received a majority
of the votes to have been adopted by the people of Maryland as a part
of the laws of the State, to take effect thirty days after such election,
and in like manner and with like effect the Governor shall proclaim
the result of the local election as to any Public Local Law which shall
have been submitted to the voters of any County or the City of Balti-
Sec. 6. No law or constitutional amendment, licensing, regulating,
prohibiting, or submitting to local option the manufacture or sale of
malt or spirituous liquors shall be referred or repealed under any
Act of the provisions of this Article.
The intention of this section was to deny a referendum vote upon anj
act dealing with the subjects mentioned in this section. This, section was
not intended as a limitation upon the general power of the general assem-
bly. Act of 1914, chapter 492, prohibiting the issuing of liquor licenses in
Carroll County upheld. Poisel v. Cash, 130 Md. 374