tered voters of said City or County, provided, however, that in any
case 10,000 signatures shall be sufficient to complete a petition, and
filed with the Mayor of Baltimore or the President of the County
Council, and when so proposed shall be submitted to the voters of said
City or County at the next general or congressional election occurring
after the passage of said resolution, or the filing of said petition; and if
at said election the majority of the votes cast for and against said
amendment shall be in favor thereof, said amendment shall be adopted
and become a part of the charter of said City or County from and
after the thirtieth day after said election. Said amendments shall be
published by said Mayor of Baltimore or President of the County
Council once a week for five successive weeks prior to said election
in at least one newspaper published in said City or County.
Sec. 6. The power heretofore conferred upon the General Assembly
to prescribe the number, compensation, powers and duties of the County
Commissioners in each County, and the power to make changes in Sec-
tions 1 to 6 inclusive, Article XI of this Constitution, when expressly
granted as hereinbefore provided, are hereby transferred to the voters
of each County and the voters of City of Baltimore, respectively, pro-
vided that said powers so transferred shall be exercised only by the
adoption or amendment of a charter as hereinbefore provided; and
provided further that this Article shall not be construed to authorize
the exercise of any powers in excess of those conferred by the Legis-
lature upon said Counties or City as this Article sets forth.
Sec. 7. The word "Petition" as used in this Article means one or
more sheets written or printed, or partly written and partly printed;
"Signature" means the signature of a registered voter written by him-
self in his own handwriting (and not by his mark), together with the
ward or district and precinct in which he is registered. The authen-
ticity of such signatures and the fact that the persons so signing are
registered voters shall be evidenced by the affidavit of one or more
registered voters of the City or County in which said voters so sign-
ing are registered, and one affidavit may apply to or cover any num-
ber of signatures to such petition. The false signing of any name,
or the signing of any fictitious name to said petition shall be forgery,
and the making of any false affidavit in connection with said peti-
tion shall be perjury.
Sec. 1.
Under this section the sheriff of Baltimore City is not entitled to retain
money in excess of $3,000 per year, on the strength of the act of 1S74.
chapter 300, providing that he shall he allowed $4.00 per day for attend-
ing in person or by deputy the law courts of Baltimore City—this act was
intended to provide revenue for the expenses of the sheriff's office. While
the legislature may prescribe additional duties for the sheriff, it cannot