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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1914
Volume 373, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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General Duties of Clerks.

2. Claims docket ; entries therein ;
clerk's compensation.
7B. Clerks to file and index notices of
U. S. Internal Revenue tax liens.
23A. Record of proceedings for sale of
property ; payment of costs.

24A. Clerks of courts to docket and
index judgments and decrees . of
United States courts; charges;
penalty for failure.

General Duties of Clerks.

1904, art. 17, sec. 2. 1888, art, 17, sec. 2. 1886, ch. 322. 1914, ch. 241
2. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the several Courts of Equity
of this State to provide a well bound and- suitable book, to be styled
"The Claims Docket," in which in all cases of voluntary trusts, or under
decrees for the payment of debts, or in any other cases in which creditors
may prove their claims in said Court, shall be entered in alphabetical
order, the names of the creditors, the .character, and. amounts of their
claims, and the date when proven and for such entry the said clerks of
the several Courts shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents which said
sums shall be taxed 'as part of the costs in such cases.


Under this section and article 26, section 19, where a judgment is ren-
dered in one county and the docket entries thereof are recorded in another
county, a wirt of scire facias may issue from the latter county. Parker v.
Brattan, 120 Md. 431.

To the fourth note to this section on page 451 of volume 1 of the Anno-
tated Code, add the case of Parker v. Brattan, 120 Md. 431...

1014, ch. 502.

7B. The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the counties of Maryland
and the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City be. and hereby
are authorized to file among the Judgment Records of their offices such
notices of liens for the payment of Internal Revenue taxes to the United
States of America as may be presented for filing therein, and to index
the same in the said Judgment Records.

1914 ch. 341.

23A. Whenever in any cause in a Court of Eqiiity any real or lease-
hold estate is sold and the proceedings, or any. part of them, are by law
proper to be recorded among the records of such Court, the costs accru-

See article 4, sections 10, 17, 25, 26, 37 and 38 of the Md. Constitution.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1914
Volume 373, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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