ART. 2-A]
5-6. Assent of State to purposes of
grant by Act of Congress, H. R.
7051 ; Maryland Agricultural
College to receive money ; Secre-
tary of State to send copy of
act to United States authorities.
As to specimens of agricultural products, the agricultural employment
department, etc., see article 45A, section 4A, et seq.
As to appropriations for Farmers' Co-operative Demonstration work in
connection with the United States Department of Agriculture or Maryland
Agricultural College, see article 25, section 109.
1914, ch. 247.
5. The assent of the State of Maryland is hereby given to the pur-
poses of the grant made by the Act H. R. No. 7951 of the Second Session
of the Sixty-third Congress and the Maryland Agricultural College is
hereby designated as the institution entitled to receive the moneys appro-
priated for Maryland, and the Treasurer of the said institution is
hereby designated as the proper person to receive the said appropria-
1914, ch. 247.
6. The assent of the State of Maryland to the grants of money for
the purposes,, upon the terms and in accordance with the several condi-
tions and provisions contained in said Act. is hereby signified and
expressed and the Secretary of the State is hereby directed to transmit
a certified copy of this Act to the Treasurer of the United States and to-
the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States.
*See article 10 of the Md. Constitution.
The act of 1912, chapter 742, authorized the Governor to appoint a commis-
sion, to be known as the Maryland Country Life Commission, to study and inves-
tigate and formulate remedies and policies looking to the development and im-
provement of country life and agricultural interests.
+The act of 1914, chapter 839, provides for the analysis and classification of
the tillable soils of the state for determining their fertility and the methods of
treating them, etc.