oath shall be filed and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court
of the County in which he may reside, or in the Clerk's office of the
Superior Court of the City of Baltimore, if he shall reside therein.
For the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people of this State
in regard to the adoption or rejection of this Constitution, the Governor
shall issue his Proclamation within five days after the adjournment of
this convention, directed to the Sheriffs of the City of Baltimore and
of the several Counties of this State, commanding them to give notice
in the manner now prescribed by Law in reference to the election of
members of the House of Delegates, that an election for the adoption
or rejection of this Constitution will be held in the City of Baltimore,
and in the several Counties of this State, on Wednesday, the eighteenth
day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, at the
usual places of holding elections for members of the House of Dele-
gates in said city and counties. At the said election the vote shall be
by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be written or printed the
words, "For the Constitution," or "Against the Constitution," as the
voter may elect; and the provisions of the Laws of this State relating
to the holding of general elections for members of the House of Dele-
gates, shall in all respects apply to and regulate the holding of the said
election. It shall be the duty of the Judges of Election in said city
and in the several counties of the State to receive, accurately count and
duly return the number of ballots so cast for or against the adoption of
this Constitution, as well as any blank ballots which may be cast, to
the several Clerks of the Circuit Courts of this State, and to the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, in the manner now prescribed
by Law, in reference to the election of members of the House of Dele-
gates, and duplicates thereof, directly to the Governor; and the several
clerks aforesaid shall return to the Governor, within ten days after said
election, the number of ballots cast for or against the Constitution, and
the number of blank ballots; and the Governor, upon receiving the
returns from the Judges of Election, or the clerks as aforesaid, and
ascertaining the aggregate vote throughout the State, shall, by his
proclamation, make known the same; and if a majority of the votes
cast shall be for the adoption of this Constitution it shall go into effect
on Saturday, the fifth day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.
Done in Convention, the seventeenth day of August, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and of the
Independence of the United States the ninety-second.
President of the Convention.