endowment fund and annual income as they may deem expedient to
establish work-shops and to open a store for the sale of articles manu-
factured by the blind, and to extend the benefits of such work-shops and
store to the adult blind of this State not resident in the institution, on
such terms and under such regulations as they may prescribe.
Commission for Improving- Condition of Blind.
1906, ch. 290.
8. Within sixty days after April 5, 1906, the governor shall appoint
a commission of five persons, who shall serve without pay, and who shall
be known as "the commission for improving the condition of the adult
blind in the State of Maryland."*
1906, ch. 290.
9. It shall be the duty of this comimssion to secure a complete list
of all blind persons in the State of Maryland, and make a record of
their names, ages, and financial condition, together with the cause and
extent of their blindness, their capacity for educational and industrial
training, and such other facts as may seem of value; and that on or
before the 31st day of December, 1907, they shall file with the governor
a full report of their findings, together with such recommendations for
improving the condition of the adult blind in this State as may seem,
to them advisable
1906, ch. 290.
10. The commission may aid those of the adult blind whom they
consider worthy in finding employment, and in furtherance thereof
they may furnish material and tools to an amount not exceeding $50
to any one individual, and they may place in a home or homes such
indigent blind women as appear to them worthy and to have no other
means of support; provided, however, that the total expenditure on any
such woman shall not exceed two hundred dollars per annum.
1908, ch. 566.
11. There shall be maintained in Baltimore city, Maryland, »
workshop for the blind.
1908, ch. 566.
12. General supervision and control of said workshop shall be
vested in a board of five trustees, three of whom shall be appointed by
the governor, by and with the advice of the senate, and two shall be
elected by the board of directors of the Maryland School for the Blind:
and the term of the members of said board shall be for a period of
two years from the date of their appointment, or until their successors
*As to the compulsory education of deaf children, see art. 77, see. 168.