1. Time, standard, what It is.
1904. art. 94, sec. 1. 1888. art. 94. sec. 1. 1884, ch. 433.
1. The standard time throughout the State shall be that of the
seventy-fifth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, by which all
courts, banking institutions and public offices and all legal or official
proceedings shall be regulated.
1. Oath.
2. Bond.
3. Oath to be made by securities.
4. Sums so sworn to must equal
amount of penalty.
5. Bond to be recorded; certified cop-
6. Renewal of bond; refusal to renew
to be disqualification.
7. Clerks to treasurer, their salaries.
8. Amount of funded and purchased
debt to be cancelled.
9. Funded debt created for benefit of
internal improvements, or on no-
count of tobacco debt.
10. Payment of interest payable hi Eu-
11. Substitution of debt in United
States currency for sterling
12. Treasurer to keep books, papers and
accounts belonging to office.
13. Erroneous payment of taxes, claims
14. Debts due by the state to be set-off
against debts owing to the state.
15. Same right to exist against as-
signee of claim.
16. Duplicates of lost evidences of debt.
17. Appointment of a Baltimore bank
president as agent of; his duties.
18. No compensation to such agent; for
what he is to be reimbursed.
19. Agent to give hond.
20. Oath to be made by securities on
such bond.
21. Bond to be recorded, certified copies.
22. Record of and report on coupons
23. Counting and cancellation of bonds
and stocks; report to be filed ;
bonds to be burned.
24. Coupons paid by agents to be trans-
mitted semi-annually.
As to the duties of the treasurer relative to safe deposit and fidelity com-
panies, and the sum to be deposited by such companies with the treasurer, see
art. 23. sec. 107. et seq.
The treasurer is a member of the state board of canvassers of elections—art.
33. sec. 87.
As to the state auditor, see art. 81, sec. 220, et seq.