ART. 44]
1. Governor to appoint board of man-
2. To be a body corporate.
3. Quorum.
4. General power of board.
5. Treasurer; bond; superintendent.
Other officers,
6. May make rules.
7. Shall maintain effective inspection.
8. Shall appoint two or more students
of Insanity.
9. May hold property.
10. Annual report to governor.
11. Provision for accommodation of 400
pauper lunatics in said hospital.
Amount to be paid by each coun-
ty for the care of Its insane pau-
pers; how ascertained, etc. Au-
thority of board of managers of
said hospital to enforce these
12. Pay patients.
13. Circuit courts and criminal court
of Baltimore may send pauper
14. Annual appropriation for support
of hospital.
15. Fence and enclosure to be built and
Springfield State Hospital.
16. Board of managers; term of office
and powers of such board.
17. Vacancies; how filled.
18. Commitments to said hospital.
19. Report of said board.
1904, art. 44, sec. 1. 1888, art. 44, sec. 1. 1860, art. 44, sec. 1. 1876, ch. 351, sec. 1.
1. The governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate,
shall bienially appoint three persona of undoubted character, and
selected with a view to skill and efficiency, managers of the Maryland
hospital for the insane, who shall serve without pay, and hold their
offices for six years, and until others are appointed in their stead, so
that the said board shall always consist of nine members.
See notes to sec. 2.
As to "lunatics and insane" and the lunacy commission, see art. 59.
As to the Maryland school for the feeble-minded, see art. 59, sec. 46, et seq.
Ibid. sec. 2. 1888, art. 44, sec. 2. 1878, ch. 341, sec. 13.
2. The hospital for the insane, which was heretofore located and
built on its present site, at or near Catonsville, in Baltimore county, in
this State, by and under the authority of the laws of this State, and
which is now under the general direction and control of the managers
of the Maryland hospital for the insane, is hereby declared to have been
built and established on its said site by the authority and direction of
As to the exemption of hospitals, asylums, etc., from taxation, see art 81,
sec. 4.
As to the powers and duties of institutions for the care and protection of
minors, see art. 23, sec. 258.