the body of a deceased person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction
shall be fined not more than ten dollars or sentenced to undergo an
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both, in the discre-
tion of the court, for each and every offense.*
1902, ch. 160, sec. 12.
241. No certificate of registration nor license granted under the pro-
visions of this sub-title shall be assignable or transferable. Every such
certificate of registration and license shall specify by name the person,
persons, co-partnership or corporation to whom it is issued, and shall
designate the particular place or places at which the business shall be
carried on.*
1902, ch. 160, sec. 13.
242. All fees collected and one-half of all fines paid under the pro-
visions of this sub-title shall go to and be used for the purpose of the
said board to defray its expenses.*
1902, ch. 160, sec. 14. 1908, ch. 496, sec. 14.
243. It shall be the duty of said board on or before the third Mon-
day of January in each and every year, to make a report in writing to
the governor of this State containing a detailed statement of the receipts
and expenditures of said board for the year ending on the last day of
December prior thereto, any balance of money remaining at the end of
the year, after the payment of the salary of the secretary and inspectors,
and the traveling, legal and other expenses of the board and the secre-
tary, incurred in the discharge of their duties as such, shall be received
by the treasurer of said board to meet the necessary expenses for the
ensuing year.*
1908, ch. 496, sec. 14 A. 1910, ch. 399, sec. 14 A (p. 402).
244. None of the provisions of this sub-title shall apply to Calvert,
St. Mary's and Charles counties.*+
1908, ch. 496, sec. 14B.
245. No member of said state board of undertakers of Maryland,
shall be appointed from any county that may be exempt from the provi-
sions of this sub-title.*
*See important foot-note on page 1150, relative to the validity and operation of
sections 230 to 247, sub-title "Undertakers," particularly of sections 236, 237
and 244.
+The act of 1910, ch. 645 (p. 1173), also repealed and re-enacted section 244 (so
as to make sections 230, et seq., applicable to Washington county). Although the
act of 1910, ch. 645, was approved on the same day as the act of 1910, ch. 399
(p. 401), and the former, owing to its number, is presumed (in the absence of
proof to the contrary) to have been approved later, it is thought from the title
to chapter 645, and from the nature of the two sections, that chapter 399 was
intended to be the latest expression of the legislative will, and hence, chapter
645 is not codified.