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The Annotated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland, 1911
Volume 372, Page 1082   View pdf image (33K)
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1082 HEALTH. [ART. 43

three months of the next year preceding, the expenses shall be paid
by the local board of health.

1904, art. 43, sec. 19. 1898, ch. 312, sec. 6 N.

21. To defray the necessary expenses of the office of state registrar
of vital statistics, including rent, stationery, books of record, printed
form of certificates and permits, indexes, postage and clerical expenses,
the state board of health shall receive a sum of eighteen hundred
dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, at such times
and in such sums as may be directed by the board.

Ibid. sec. 20. 1888, art. 43, sec. 7. 1880, ch. 438, sec. 8. 1898. ch. 312.

22. Each member of the state board of health shall receive the sum
of five dollars per day for each day's attendance at the meetings of the
board, and while employed in the service of the board. Such necessary
expenses of the board as the comptroller of the treasury shall audit,
on presentation of an itemized account, with vouchers, and the certifi-
cates of the board shall be paid; provided, that such expenses shall not
exceed annually the sum of two thousand dollars which is hereby appro-
priated from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Ibid. sec. 21. 1888, art. 43, sec. 8. 1886, ch. 22, sec. 1. 1898, ch. 312.

1902, ch. 159.

23. Whenever the state board of health shall have cause to believe
that there is any danger of cholera, small-pox or other contagious or
infectious disease invading the State or country, it shall be the duty
of the said board to take such action and adopt and enforce such rules
and regulations as may be necessary to prevent the introduction or
spread of such infectious or contagious disease within this State, 'and
any person or persons or corporations refusing or neglecting to obey
such rules and regulations, after due notice thereof, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not more than five hundred dollars for every such offense. Whenever
necessary, the State board of health may call public conference of
health officers, or may, by a vote of a majority of its members, send a
delegate to any conference of local, State or national health officers.

1910, ch. 560, sec. 21 A. (p. 140).

24. The state board of health is authorized and empowered to estab-
lish five bureaus, to be known as the bureau of communicable diseases,
the bureau of bacteriology, the bureau of chemistry, the bureau of sani-
tary engineering and the bureau of vital statistics.

1910, ch. 560, sec. 21 B (p. 141).

25. The bureau of communicable diseases shall secure accurate and
complete returns of communicable diseases in Maryland; it shall exam-
ine into the prevalence and causes of such diseases and devise means
for their control; it shall examine into and investigate epidemics and


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The Annotated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland, 1911
Volume 372, Page 1082   View pdf image (33K)
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