1904, art. 39, sec. 79. 1902, ch. 358, sec. 78 B. 1906, ch. 161.
1910, ch. 255 (p. 136).
79. No person shall catch or in any manner take or kill in the said
waters thereof at any time any white or yellow perch of any size less
than seven inches in length, or any pike less than fourteen inches in
length, or any rock, otherwise known as striped bass, less than ten inches
in length, or any tailor less than eight inches in length, or white cat
fish under seven inches, or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty
pounds, or any rock weighing over twenty pounds, in spawning season
of April, May and June, measuring, in case of fish, from the tip of
the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail, excepting haul seines dur-
ing the time between April first and June twelfth.
Ibid. sec. 80. 1902, ch. 358, sec. 78 D. 1906, ch. 161.
80. No person shall, in this State, in any manner or at any time,
so obstruct any stream above where the tide ebbs and flows, in which
trout or other fish have been placed by the State or natural government,
so that said fish shall not have free access up and down said stream,
under a penalty of not less than ten dollars ($10), nor more than
twenty-five dollars ($25), for every such offense.
Ibid. sec. 81. 1902, ch. 358, sec. 78 E. 1906, ch. 161.
81. Every owner of a dam or dams upon any of the said waters of
this State is hereby required to make and keep in repair, or cause to
be made and kept in repair, and placed upon said dam or dams at least
one fish ladder of such a character as to enable fish to have a free course
up and down said waters at all times, under a penalty of not less than
twenty-five dollars ($25), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100),
for each and every offense.
Ibid. sec. 82. 1902, ch. 358, sec. 78 v. 1906, ch. 161.
82. No person shall place, throw or make use of in any of said
waters, except from bona fide engineering, milling or mining purposes,
any dynamite or other explosive substance, or any lime, poison, acid,
sawdust, shaving or other substance whatsoever deleterious to or destruc-
tive of fish life, uuder a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars
($100), nor more than three hundred dollars ($300), or imprisonment
in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years,
or be both fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court; provided,
however, that nothing in this section shall apply to sawmills now in
operation until October 1, 1903, unless said sawmill or mills shall in the
meantime change its or their location; and further provided, that any
sawmill or mills moving from its or their present location, shall be con-
sidered a new mill or mills, and shall be subject to the provisions of
this section.
Ibid. sec. 83. 1902, ch. 358, sec. 78 G. 1906, ch. 161.
1910, ch. 255 (p. 136).
83. No person shall at any time empty any seine or net of any
description whatsoever upon the beach, shore or land bordering upon