990 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 656]
days after the publication of said notice, pay to the county
treasurer the full amount for which his land is liable, to be
ascertained from the classification sheet and the certificate of
the board showing the total cost of the improvement, and have
his lands released from liability to be assessed for the said
improvement; but such land shall continue liable for any future
assessment for maintenance or for any increased assessment
authorized under the law.
SEC. 22. Be it enacted, That at the expiration of three
weeks after publication of notice of bond issue, the Board of
Drainage Commissioners may issue and sell bonds of the drain-
age district for an amount equal to the total cost of the improve-
ment less such amounts as shall have been paid in in cash to
the county treasurer, plus an amount sufficient to pay interest
on the bond issue for the three years next following the date
of issue. These bonds shall bear interest, payable semi-annu-
ally, and shall be paid in ten equal instalments. The first
instalment of principal shall mature at the expiration of three
years from the date of issue, and one instalment for each suc-
ceeding year for nine additional years. The commissioners
may sell these bonds at not less than par and devote the pro-
ceeds to the payment for the work as it progresses and to the
payment of the interest on said bonds for the three years next
following the date of issue and to the payment of the other
expenses of the district provided for in this act. The proceeds
from such bonds shall be for the exclusive use of the levee or
drainage district specified on their face, and shall be numbered
by the Board of Drainage Commissioners and recorded in the
drainage record, which record shall set out specifically the lands
embraced in the district on which the tax has not been paid in
full, which land is to be assessed as hereafter provided. If
any instalment of principal or interest represented by the said
bond shall not be paid at the time and in the manner when the
same shall become due and payable, and such default shall con-
tinue for a period of six months the holder or holders of such
bond or bonds upon which default has been made may have a
right of action against said drainage district or the Board of
Drainage Commissioners of said district, wherein the Court
may issue a writ of mandamus against the said drainage dis-
trict, its officers, including the tax collector and treasurer,
directing the levying of a tax or special assessment as herein
provided, and the collection of the same, in such sums as may
be necessary to meet any unpaid instalments of principal and
interest and cost of actions; and such other remedies are hereby
vested in the holder or holders of such bond or bonds in default