986 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 656]
it in such manner as to make a complete and continuous record
of the case. Copies of all the maps and profiles are to be fur-
nished by the engineer and marked by the clerk "Official
Copies," which shall be kept on file by him in his office, and
open to inspection.
SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That after the said drainage dis-
trict shall have been declared established, and the survey and
plan therefor approved, the Board of County Commissioners
shall appoint three1 persons who are free holders, who shall be
designated as the Board of Drainage Commissioners for that
district. These commissioners shall be appointed Subject to the
written approval of a majority of the landowners in the dis-
trict, and any vacancy occurring shall be filled in like manner.
The three drainage commissioners when appointed shall be
and shall organize as a corporate body under the name and
style of "The Board of Drainage Commission of............
District," with the right to hold property, and convey the same,
to sue and be sued, and shall possess corporate powers. They
shall organize by electing from among their number a chair-
man and a vice-chairman. They shall elect a secretary either
within or without their body. The treasurer of the county
in which the proceeding was instituted shall be ex officio of such
drainage commissioners. Such board of drainage commis-
sioners shall adopt a seal, which they may alter at pleasure.
SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That the Board of Drainage Com-
missioners shall appoint a competent person as superintendent
of construction. Such person shall furnish a bond to be fixed
and approved by the commissioners, conditioned upon the hon-
est and faithful performance of his duties, such bond to be in
favor of the Board of Drainage Commissioners. They shall
fix his compensation, and may terminate the contract whenever
they consider his services no longer necessary.
SEC. 15. Be it enacted, That after the classification of lands
and the ratio of assessment of the different classes to be made
thereon has been confirmed by the Board of County Commis-
sioners at the time of the final hearing, and any appeal that may
have been made to the Circuit Court has been adjudicated,
the Board of Drainage Commissioners shall ascertain the total
cost of the improvement, including damages awarded to be
paid owners of land. All costs and incidental expenses, com-
pensation of engineer, viewers and assistants, and also includ-
ing an amount sufficient to pay the superintendent of construc-
tion, and expenses of the commissioners, and the necessary
expenses of maintaining the improvement for a period of three