profiles and plans may be made for each of the proposed drains
or levees. Frequent bench marks shall be established along the
line, on permanent objects, and their elevation and full descrip-
tion recorded in the field books and their location shown on
the map. If it is deemed expedient by the engineer and view-
ers, other levels may be run to determine the fall from one
part of the district to another. If no old water course, ditch
or channel is being widened, deepened or straightened, it shall
be accurately cross-sectioned, so as to compute, the amount of
cubic yards saved by the use of such old channel. A drainage
map of the district shall then be completed, showing the loca-
tion of the ditch or ditches and other improvements, and the
boundary, as closely as may be determined by the records, of
the lands owned by such individual landowner within the dis-
trict. The location of any railroads or public highways and
the boundary of any incorporated towns or villages within the
district shall be shown on the map. There shall also be pre-
pared to accompany this map a profile of each levee, drain or
water course, showing the surface of the ground, the bottom
or grade of the proposed improvement and the number of cubic
yards of excavation or fill in each mile or fraction thereof,
and the total yards in the proposed improvement and the esti-
mated cost thereof, and plans and specifications and the cost
of any other work required to be done.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That it shall be the further duty of
the engineer and viewers to assess the damages claimed by any
one that is justly right and due to them for land taken or for
inconvenience imposed because of the construction of the
improvement and the establishment of the drainage district, or
for any other legal damages sustained. Such damage shall be
considered separate and apart from any benefit the land would
receive because of the proposed work, and shall be paid by the
Board of Drainage Commissioners when funds shall come into
their hands, as hereinafter set forth.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That it shall be the further duty of
the engineer and viewers to personally examine the land in the
district and classify it with reference to the benefit it will
receive from the construction of the levee, ditch, drain for water
course or other improvement. In the case of drainage, the
degree of wetness of the land, its proximity to the ditch or a
natural outlet and the fertility of the soil shall be considered
in determining the amount of benefit it will receive by the con-
struction of the ditch. The land benefited shall be separated
into five classes: The land receiving the highest benefit shall be
marked "Class A;" that receiving the next highest benefit