934 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 637]
Public Debt.
For the payment of the interest on the public debt of the
State, six hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the State,
on the warrant of the Comptroller, shall disburse the said sum
or sums of money herein appropriated for the objects and pur-
poses herein specified, to or upon the order of the person or
persons, or body politic or corporate, entitled to receive the
same; provided, however, that all of the appropriations afore-
said to State, Charitable and educational institutions shall be
paid in equal quarterly instalments.
Approved April fifteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, with
the exception of the several items disapproved and with the
exception of the portions of the respective amounts of the sev-
eral items disapproved as appears in the disapproval of the said
several items and in the disapprovals of the portions of the
respective amounts of the said several items hereunto annexed.
The provisions and items of the above act, to wit, Chapter
637, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the support
of the State Government for the fiscal year ending on the thir-
tieth day of September, nineteen hundred and fourteen" are
hereby approved with the exception of the following provisions
and items and with the exception of the following named por-
tions of the respective amounts of the several items contained
in said act, which are hereby severally and respectively dis-
approved, to wit:
On page 2 of the enrolled act, lines 9, 10 and 11, under the
caption "For State Officers," the item "For the salary of a
Medical Assistant to the State Board of Health, one thousand
dollars," is hereby disapproved.
On page 2, lines 19 and 20 of the enrolled act, under the
caption "For State Officers," the item "For the salary of the
Deputy Commander of the police steamer 'Governor McLane,'
fifteen hundred dollars," is approved to the extent or amount
of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, and is disapproved to the
extent or amount of two hundred and fifty dollars thereof.
On page 8, lines 5 and 6 of the enrolled act, under the caption
"Reformatory and other Institutions," the item "To the Man-
agers of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, the sum of
ninety thousand four hundred dollars," is approved to the
extent or amount of seventy-five thousand dollars, and is dis-