932 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 6.37]
for the salaries and expenses of veterinary inspectors, and for
the appraised value of animals or buildings destroyed to pre-
vent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases among live
stock, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-
essary ; to be paid upon vouchers exhibited; to the Comptroller
of the Treasury, for printing his annual report, one thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to the Mayor
and City Council of the City of Annapolis, for the use and
equipment of the fire department of said City, two thousand
dollars; for the support of insane convicts, as provided by
Chapter 123 of the Acts of 1890, the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for printing
sample ballots, and so forth, one thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necesary, to be expended under the direction
of the Governor; for printing the report of the State Board of
Education, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; to the Bureau of Immigration, the sum of ten thou-
sand dollars, to be used in accordance with Chapter 295 of the
Acts of 1896, and Chapter 282 of the Acts of 1898; to the
Board of State Aid and Charities, the sum of three thousand1
five hundred dollars, to be used in accordance with Chapter
549 of the Acts of 1904; for the repairs, furnishing, and inci-
dental expenses, to the Executive Mansion, the sum of five
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to
the State Game Warden, the sum of two thousand dollars, for
traveling and other necessary expenses; to the Maryland State
Firemen's Association, the sum of one thousand dollars, the
same being in addition to the annual appropriation of one thou-
sand dollars, under Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1906; for the
expenses incurred by the State in the extradition of criminals,
the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, said expenses to be paid by the Comptroller upon
proper vouchers approved by the Governor; for extra clerical
assistance and expenses in the Executive Department during
sessions of the Legislature and at other times when the same
may be necessary, the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for the salary of the Custodian
of the Public Records, twelve hundred dollars; to the State
Live Stock Sanitary Board, the sum of two thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, for dairy inspections;
to meet the deficiency in the revenues of the Oyster Fund, the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be