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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 913   View pdf image
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of Wicomico county, that he or they will faithfully, fairly and
without partiality or prejudice perform the duties of their office.
And said policemen shall have all the police powers of con-
stables of this State.

167. At the second regular meeting after the annual elec-
tion in each year the commissioners shall appoint one person, a
resident and qualified voter of 'the town, who may or may not
be a member of the board of commissioners of Sharptown, to
act as clerk to the said commissioners, collector of city taxes
and treasurer, who shall be the same person, for the term of one
year, or until his successor is duly appointed and qualified.
The said clerk shall receive for his services a salary, or com-
mission for collection of said city taxes as the commissioners
may deem right and proper.

168. The said clerk, collector and treasurer, before entering
upon the performance of the duties of his office, shall take and
subscribe to an oath before a justice of the peace of Wicomico
county that be will well and faithfully perform the duties of
his said office according to law and the ordinances of said town.
He shall give bond to the State of Maryland in an amount at
least equal to the amount of taxes levied, with surety or sureties
approved by the said commissioners, conditioned that he will
faithfully perform the duties of clerk, collector and treasurer in
all things according to law and the ordinances of the town, and
that he will well and truly collect the taxes levied for the use
of the town of Sharptown and account for and pay over all
moneys that may come into his hands as clerk, collector and
treasurer in the manner required by law and said ordinances.
If said clerk, collector and treasurer shall fail to qualify within
ten days after his appointment, the said commissioners shall
appoint some other person to said office, who shall take the oath
and give bond as aforesaid, to be approved by said commission-
ers. In case of vacancy the said commissioners shall appoint
some person to fill the office for the umexpired term, under the
same terms and conditions as already set forth. The said clerk,
collector and treasurer shall attend all the meetings of the
commissioners of Sharptown. He shall keep full and accurate
account of all the proceedings of the said commissioners, record
all ordinances in the ordinance book; and all proceedings relat-
ing to the opening, closing, widening, grading or paving of any
street or alley, or part thereof, including reports of commis-
sioners on same, in a suitable book and indexing same. He
shall keep the assessment books of said town, with names of
owners of property arranged alphabetically, and the property so
described as to identify same, stating the value of each piece


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 913   View pdf image
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