said sale of said bonds, to contract or purchase, erect or build
an electric light and power plant, for the use of said town; and
to pass such ordinances as may be necessary for the purpose
of this act, and to manage and protect said electric light and
power plant.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paying
said bonds at maturity and the interest thereon, the Mayor and
Common Council of Union Bridge are authorized and empow-
ered and required to levy such tax upon the property within
the taxable limits of said town as may be necessary to enable
them, in connection with the revenues arising from said electric
light and power plant, to pay said bonds and the interest thereon
and the operating expenses and necessary repairs to said plant
in each year. Until said bonds shall be paid off, the said taxes
shall be paid to the said Mayor and Common Council or their
proper officer, appointed by them, and the amount levied for
this purpose shall be in addition to the amount now authorized
by law. The moneys from electric light and power plant shall
be first applied to payment of current expenses of said plant;
secondly, to payment of interest on bonds; and thirdly, as to
balance, to provide a sinking fund for the payment of said
bonds; and whenever any bond is paid off it shall be immedi-
ately burned by. the clerk to the said Mayor and Common Coun-
cil in the presence of the Mayor, and the fact noted in the regis-
tration book, as hereinbefore required.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the title to said electric
light and power plant, so constructed, erected or purchased with
the bonds, wires, machinery, privileges, franchises, tools, mate-
rials thereto appertaining or belonging and the lands upon which
said plant is located shall vest in the said Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge, in their corporate capacity; and the
said Mayor and Common Council shall have full control over
the said electric light and power plant with authority to employ
such superintendents, workmen or other employees as may be
necessary or proper to carry on the same, and to purchase all
supplies and materials needed in constructing or conducting the
same, and also to provide rules and regulations for the supply-
ing the said town with electric light, and to fix and establish
I from time to time a schedule of rates and charges to be made and
collected for the use of electric light by private consumers.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.