796 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 556]
lars; to the chairmen of the Finance and Ways and Means
Committees of the Session of 1912, the sum of two hundred
and eighteen dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
to pay the expenses of said committees in counting the State
securities, as required by law; for the expenses incurred by
the State in the extradition of criminals, the sum of two thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, said
expenses to be paid by the Comptroller upon proper vouchers,
approved by the Governor; for extra clerical assistance and
expenses in the Executive Department during sessions of the
Legislature and at other times when the same may be neces-
sary, the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; to the Maryland State Firemen's Associa-
tion, the sum of one thousand dollars, the same being in addi-
tion to the annual appropriation of one thousand dollars under
Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1906; for the salary of the Cus-
todian of Public Records, twelve hundred dollars; to the Board
of Public Works, the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, for the publication of a book on
the resources of Maryland, to attract desirable settlers, the
same to be contracted for by said Board of Public Works and
distributed through the agency of the Bureau of Immigration,
or in such other way as they may direct; to meet the deficiency
in the revenues of the Oyster Fund, the sum of twenty thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to the
State Live Stock Sanitary Board, the sum of two thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for dairy
inspections; for painting walls and furnishing new carpet in
the State Tax Commissioner's Office, the sum of one thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for printing
double report of the State Tax Commissipner, the sum of two
hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to
George H. Lamar, for services as attorney-at-law under author-
ity of the Attorney-General and the Governor, in defending
the validity and preserving the effectiveness of the Act of the
General Assembly, approved April 11, 1910, Chapter 220,
entitled "An Act to regulate fares on the line of the Washing-
ton and Rockville Railway Company in Montgomery County,"
including incidental expenses personally defrayed, and the bill
of Messrs. Smith and Hulse incurred for two carbon copies
of certain evidence taken before the Special Examiner, one
copy of which for the Chief Engineer of the Public Service
Commission, and the other for Special Counsel for the State,
amounting to seventy-five dollars, the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars; to the Maryland-West Virginia Boundary Line Com-