AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 160A,
160B, 160E, 160F, 160o, 160n, 160s, 160L, 160u, and 160v
of Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, title "Elections", sub-title "Primary Elections", as the.
said sections were enacted by Chapter 741 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 1910, and to add two new sections to
said Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws, to be
known as sections 160w and 160Y, of said Article 33, to come
in after section 160v of said Article 33 under said sub-title
"Primary Elections", all of said sections re-enacted with
amendments and all of said added sections relating to the
subject of primary elections; said section 160E, re-enacted
with amendments, including provisions for a new general
registration throughout the counties of Maryland and for
registering the "party affiliation" of voters; and said added
section 160w prohibiting and penalizing bribery, corruption,
intimidation and like practices in relation to primary elec-
tions; and said added section 160Y providing for appeals
from the actions, decisions and returns of judges of election,
and recount and recanvass of the ballots and declaration of
the results thereof in primary elections; and repealing all
other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sections 160A, 160s, 160E, 160F, 160a, 160n, 160K,
160L, 160u, and I6Ov, of Article 33 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, title "Elections", sub-title "Primary
Elections", as the said sections were enacted by Chapter 741
of the Acts of 'the General Assembly of 1910, be and the same
are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as, sev-
erally and respectively, to be and read as follows:
160A. Political parties which, at the general election held
on November 2, 1909, in the State of Maryland, or which at
any future general election next preceding any primary election
to be held hereunder, as shall have polled ten per cent of the
entire vote cast in the State at such or any such general elec-
tion, shall hereafter nominate all their candidates for public
office in and for Baltimore City and the several counties of the
State and for Judges and for the House of Representatives of
the Federal Congress, and shall elect all delegates to county,