said fine and costs the offender shall be committed to the county
jail for twenty days; the one-half of all fines so imposed under
this section shall be paid to the informer, and the remainder to
the Board of County School Commissioners of said county for
the use of the public schools of said county; provided, that
nothing in this section shall prevent the owners of land in Mont-
gomery county from giving written permission to non-residents
to hunt upon their own lands in said county.
SEC. 56. Any person who shall permit his dog or bitch to
run at large during the closed season and pursue or kill game,
or destroy the eggs, nests or young thereof, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before any
justice of the peace of said county be subject to a fine of not
more than five dollars for each and every offense, one-half to go
to the informer, the other one-half to go to the county school
fund, and any person who shall harbor or permit any dog or
bitch to remain on or about his premises shall be deemed the
owner of such dog or bitch for the purposes of this section.
SEC. 57. All game wardens and the State Game Warden
are hereby empowered to make arrests without a warrant of any
person or persons upon their seeing or knowing of any violation
of any of the foregoing sections, and are hereby expressly
exempted from any liability because of any arrest he or they
may make while in the performance of their duties.
SEC. 57A. Every person who is an actual resident of Mont-
gomery county shall be entitled to an allowance from the county
of forty cents for every hawk taken and killed by him within
the limits of said county, and if any person killing any hawk
shall produce the same before some justice of the peace of said
county, and make oath that the said hawk was taken and killed
within the limits of Montgomery county, within six days then
preceding, then the justice shall thereupon give such person a
certificate wherein he shall set forth the said oath, and shall at
the same time cut off the beaks from the heads of said hawks
so as to prevent a second allowance, and the said justice shall
be entitled to a fee of ten cents to be paid by the county; pro-
vided, however, that this section shall not be construed as being
mandatory, but its enforcement shall be left entirely within the
discretion of the County Commissioners of said county; pro-
vided, further, if at any time the said commissioners determine
to avail themselves of the power given to them by this section,
they shall give notice of the same by publication in at least one
newspaper published in said county.