bridges of said county, and to provide for the payment of all material necessary for the building of said roads and to pay the salaries of surveyors, road commissioners and for the payment of all labor employed for the building of said roads.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary- land, That there shall be a system of free public roads and bridges in Saint Mary's county, and all matters affecting the roads and bridges in said county shall be under the control of a Board of Road Commissioners, as created by this act, except such portions of the roads as the State Road Commission shall determine to build.
SEC. 2. The Board of Road Commissioners hereby created shall be composed of three persons who are made a body cor- porate under the name and title of the Board of Road Com- missioners of Saint Mary's County, with power to sue and to be sued, to acquire and convey land and to do such other
corporate acts as may be necessary in carrying out the pro- visions of this act. Their powers, duties and obligations with respect to the public roads and bridges in said county shall be coextensive with the powers, duties and obligations heretofore resting upon the County Commissioners of said county with respect to the public roads and bridges of said county except so far as the same may be modified or changed by the provi- sions of this act.
SEC. 3. For the purpose of this act Saint Mary's county is hereby divided into three road commission districts to be known as road districts number one, two and three. Road district number one shall embrace the first, second, eighth and ninth election districts. Road district number two shall embrace the third and sixth election districts and road district number three shall embrace the fourth, fifth and seventh election districts,
as the said election districts were constituted January first, 1912; and the following persons are hereby appointed by this act to serve two years from the first day of May, 1912, until the first day of May, 1914, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
To be road commissioner for the first commissioner district for Saint Mary's county, Cleveland Raley, of St. Inigois, Md.
To be road commissioner for the second commissioner district for Saint Mary's county, G. Clande Abell, of Hollywood, Md.
To be road commissioner for the third commissioner district for Saint Mary's county, William F. Herbert, of Dynard, Md.