400 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 207]
issued shall expire at midnight on the thirty-first day of Decem-
ber next ensuing the date of issue. In addition to the above
license and tax, there shall be paid by each insurance company,
individual, resident or non-resident, partnership or association,
whether of this State or otherwise, doing business in this
State, the following fees to the Insurance Commissioner to
defray the expenses of executing the provisions of this article,
upon filing the declaration or certified copy of charter here-
after admitted to do business in this State, twenty-five dollars;
upon filing each annual statement, twenty-five dollars; for each
certificate of authority which each general agent of every insur-
ance company not organized under the laws of this State and
doing herein the business of insurance in any of its branches,
is hereby required to pay the sum of ten dollars; and for each
certificate of authority issued to any agent or solicitor who
may be appointed by any fire or marine insurance company,
except such as may be chartered under the laws of this State,
the sum of ten dollars; and for each certificate of authority
issued to a solicitor of any insurance company other than one
transacting fire or marine business by request of such company
or of the general agent thereof in this State, the sum of two
dollars, and provided, that all certificates of authority issued1
to agents or solicitors of insurance companies shall expire at
midnight on the thirty-first day of December next ensuing the
date of issue; for such abstract of their annual statement for
publication, two dollars; for every copy of any paper filed in
the Insurance Department, the sum of twenty cents per folio,
and for affixing the official seal to such copy and certifying the
same, one dollar; for valuing policies of life insurance com-
panies, thirty dollars per million of insurance or any fractional
part thereof; for official examination of companies under this
article, the charges specified in section 160 of this article, and
the certificates of authority issued to any agent or solicitor ot
an insurance company doing the business of insurance in any
of its branches, shall have specified upon its face the name of
the company for which said solicitor is authorized to act; pro-
vided that nothing contained herein shall amend or repeal sec-
tion 1YO to 174, both inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of 1904, or Chapter 541 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1910.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
on January first, nineteen hundred and thirteen.
Approved April 8, 1912.