192 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 94]
On page 15 of the enrolled act, in clause or provision 102,
the item "To the Mt. Hope Retreat the sum of eighteen thou-
sand three hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913" is approved
to the extent and amount of fifteen thousand two hundred and
fifty dollars for said fiscal year 1913, and disapproved to the
extent or amount of three thousand and fifty dollars thereof;
and the item "and the like sum of eighteen thousand three hun-
dred dollars for the fiscal year 1914" is approved to the extent
or amount of fifteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars,
and disapproved to the amount or extent of three thousand and
fifty dollars thereof.
AN ACT to provide for the registration and licensing of mid-
wives in the State of Maryland, and to provide certain edu-
cational qualifications for persons practicing as midwives,
and for other purposes connected with the better preservation
of public health, by adding certain additional sections to Arti-
cle 43 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Health,"
sub-title "Infectious Diseases," said sections to follow imme-
diately after section 55 of said Article 43 and to be desig-
nated as sections 55A, 55B, 55C, 55D, 55E, 55F, 55G, 55H, 55I,
55J, 55K, 55L, 55M, 55N, 55O, 55P, and to repeal Chapter
722, Acts of the General Assembly of 1910, entitled An Act
to provide for the registration and licensing of midwives in
the State of Maryland, and to provide certain educational
qualifications for persons practicing as midwives, and for
other purposes connecting with the better preservation of
public health, by adding certain additional sections to Article
43 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Health," sub-
title "Infectious Diseases," said section to follow immedi-
ately after section 55 of said Article 43 and to be designated
as sections 55A, 55B, 55C, 55D, 55E. 55F, 55G, 55H, 55Ii,
55J, 55K, 55L, 55M, 55N, 55O.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That certain additional sections be and the same are
hereby added to Article 43 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, to follow immediately after section 55 of said